My Financial Situation

Based on my household income and the number of people in my household, I AM in the MIDDLE income tier, along with 51% of adults in NEW JERSEY.

Among all American adults with my education, age, race or ethnicity, and marital status, 50% are LOWER income, 45% are MIDDlE income and 6% are UPPER income.

When I read both of these graphs it may seem as though my income puts me in the bracket of middle class but I am a single parent  and it definitely feels like I am low income. When your bills seem overwhelming and your piety cash is used for necessities where is the money.
The only part that I find difficult is the fact that people always think you have money and will constantly complain to you about their problems not thinking you have your own. These same people will borrow money from you with no expectations of paying you back and then become your enemies in order for you not to ask them for your money back. When they say money is the root of all evils I can definitely agree 100%.
I believe that coming from a household that was considered middle class and maintaining a middle class status I believe the only thing that hinders me is me. My parents were educators and they both were my role models so I know the true importance of education. They owned their home for 48 years and I witnessed the way they budgeted money so it taught me to appreciate what you have and not to abuse it or you will find yourself in a position like many others that I consider to be less fortunate.

One thing I can say I learned about class status it may dictate what your income is at the moment but anything can change overnight. The opportunities you may have because of class status can also dictate how you get ahead and the way resources you may be afforded may help but determination in essence can also get a person from point A to B and an income calculator may paint one picture but wealth is something that can be defined on a case to case basis. What may make one person feel wealthy make another feel poor.


  1. A very disturbing thing to read about...really liked it as it relates to the reality of our social circumstances.


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